Center for International Education

International Office of the Faculty of Management and Marketing
In order to increase the efficiency of international activities of the Faculty of Management and Marketing, the administration decided to form the Faculty of Management and Marketing International Office, which included representatives of the departments of the Faculty, Deputy Dean for International Affairs and Dean.
The head of the Faculty of Management and Marketing International Office is the dean of the faculty, professor Maryna Kravchenko.
Faculty of Management and Marketing International Office acts on the basis of the Regulations on the Faculty of Management and Marketing International Office (decision of the FMM Academic Council, act №4 of 24.11.08).
Areas of activity of the international office:
- Organizational, methodological, educational and pedagogical activities for the provision of educational services for the training of specialists for foreign countries.
- Organization and formation of international mobility of students, graduate students and teachers, faculty specialists.
- Formation of international contacts of faculty, departments.
- Organizational and methodological support for the preparation of international projects of the faculty, departments.
- Presentation of areas of scientific and regional interests of departments, specialists at international events of the faculty.
- Formation of skills of management of the international projects at students, teachers, experts of faculty.
- Formation of the international rating of faculty, university.
Dynamics of development of the international activity of the faculty
The information is presented in the documents