According to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, academic mobility is the ability of participants in the educational process to study, teach, train or conduct research in another institution of higher education (scientific institution) in Ukraine or abroad, without deduction or dismissal from the main place of study or work.
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By participating in academic mobility programs, students receive the following benefits:
- acquisition of additional professional skills;
- improving the level of foreign language proficiency;
- acquaintance with cultural features of different countries;
- increasing competitiveness in the domestic and foreign labor markets.
During their studies, bachelor’s and master’s students, as well as candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science have the opportunity to participate in academic mobility programs.
Estimates received abroad are taken into account in KPI. Igor Sikorsky (according to ECTS). The student retains a place of permanent study in Ukraine.
Academic mobility involves students’ participation in exchange programs, double diplomas, scholarship programs.
To participate in such projects and programs, students must study in the second or senior year and have an average grade point average of at least 75 points. Also, they need to become winners of competitive selection among students who have submitted documents for participation in it.
Current programs of academic mobility and conditions of participation in competitions for students and candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are presented on the website of the Department of Academic Mobility of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.